What We Do

Keys & Remotes
Whether you have a metal key, or key that requires programming we can help.
Regular inventory is kept for common and popular vehicles.
Newer types and proximity keys are by order only.

Business | Office | Suites
Storefronts, office space, and business suites all have some type of mechanical or electromechanical system to keep them secure. We can repair, replace, or add to your security systems.
Rekey and Masterkey Services Available.

Homes & Rentals
From maintenance and repair to replacements or a fresh install we've got you covered.
Rekey and Masterkey Services Available.
Specialty & Decorative Hardware for Doors, Cabinets, and Drawers also available by Special Order.

Home | Auto | Business
In the event you lock your keys inside your vehicle, your house, or your business we offer around the clock service to get you back on track.

ATVs | RVs | Motorcylces
We can make copies or originate keys for most RVs, ATVs, and Motorcycles.
Need a lock replaced or changed on your RV? We can do that too!

GSA Services
Technician & Inspector
Certified by LSI 2021

Key Cutting
Bring Your Own Key
Bought a fun shape or painted key for your house, or an extra key for your motorcycle, ATV, or vehicle?
We can cut or mill your new keys, or you can purchase one of ours.

Restricted Key System
Ultimate Key Control
Feel confident and secure when giving your employee or family member a key to your home or office.
These keys cannot be copied or duplicated by hardware stores or other locksmiths.